Wednesday, November 3, 2010

why shia do matam e Hussain a.s

      There is whole history behind our protest against yazeediat and our love for Imam hussain a.s . we do matam because we love our mazloom Imam Hussain a.s.
i have lot of verses and hadeeth pak to prove matamdari which i would like to share with all of you who are unaware and don't know about the matam and mourning for our imam a.s. we have been doing mourning since the time of prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) when Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w) said his followers to do matam on the martyrdom of Hazrat Hamza .
           We do matam as a sign of remembrance for Imam Hussain (as). look at these hadiths, if these holy people can do matam then we shia's can do matam as well,

Here is a reference from the Quran related to matam:

In Surah adh-Dhaariyaat we read that Sara (as) struck her face when she was told that she would conceive a baby.

"Then came forward his wife in grief, she smote her face and said (what! I) An old barren woman?"

(Quran 51:29)

Smote means to strike or hit.

The mourning of Fatima al-Zahra (as)

In Madarij al Nubuwwh, Vol 2, page 163, the high ranking Sunni Scholar, Sheikh Abdul Haq Mohaddith Dehlavi recorded that:

"Fatima Zahra (as) hearing the rumour of the martyrdom of the Holy Prophet (s) at Uhud came out of her house running and beating her head".

The skies shed blood in grief of Imam Husayn (as)

Allamah Ibn Hajar Makki writes:

"Abu Said says that on the day of the martyrdom of Husayn, there was fresh blood found under every stone lifted; and the sky also rained blood whose result was evident on clothes for ages. Abu Naim says that on the day of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (as) our containers (of water) were full of blood."

Sawaiq al-Muhriqa, Page 192

Beating and mourning by the wives of the Prophet (s)

As narrated by al Tabari in History Volume 9 page 183 (English translation by Ismail Poonawala):

Abbas narrates:

"I heard Ayesha saying "The Messenger of God died on my bosom during my turn, I did not wrong anyone in regard to him. It was because of my ignorance and youthfulness that the Messenger of God died while he was in my lap. Then I laid his head on a pillow and got up beating my chest and slapping my face along with the women".

Ibn Katheer al Nasibi in al Bidayah wa al Nihayah Volume 5 page 420 published by Nafees Academy Karachi records the event as follows:

"Rasulullah (s) died while he was in my lap. Then I laid his head on a pillow and got up beating my face along with other women".


Quran, Surah 51, Ayat 29
Madarij al Nubuwwh, Vol 2, page 163
Sawaiq al-Muhriqa, Page 192
Tareek al Tabari Volume 9 page 183
Al Bidayah wa al Nihayah Volume 5 page 420